davebirch posted Sep 25 2006 at 10:21 PM
[Dave Birch] Jerry Fishenden pointed me to this extract from Mythbusters. My kids love Mythbusters, which is a show on the Discovery Channel where a couple of guys set up experiments to test "myths" like: would a penny dropped from a skyscraper kill someone? I like the show because they design and build the experiments themselves: they don't take anyone's word for anything. I wonder if they'll be showing Episode 59 at Biometrics 2006?
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davebirch posted Sep 18 2006 at 11:09 AM
[Dave Birch] It's hard to validate -- I mean really, really validate -- someone's real identity in a transaction. By "hard", of course, I also mean "expensive". That's why transaction mechanisms that don't validate real identity (eg, credit cards) are easy to use and cost-effective. Luckily, we don't often really need actual identity validated to conduct a transaction. What we need is reasonable assurance that the parties to a transaction are authorised. So, when you are conceptually carded, it should be to see that you are over 21 (or whatever), not who you are. There's a big difference. Over time, the credentials that are being presented begin to acquire a history, a reputation if you like. Once can certainly envisage markets in which transactions depend on that reputation: not "snapshot" credentials or identity no matter how well validated.
Technorati Tags: authentication, ID cards, privacy, security
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davebirch posted Sep 14 2006 at 9:47 AM
The "final" agenda for this year's Digital Identity Forum is now available online or for downloading.
Technorati Tags: ID cards, internet, privacy, security
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