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Of course, the camera adds 110lbs

By Dave Birch posted Feb 11 2008 at 2:07 PM

Unbelievable but true: I've been to London Fashion Week. And to prove it, here's a video I took at the actual fashion show...

There was a point to all this! We had been retained by O2 to develop a proof-of-concept system using NFC phones and tags for fashion buyers to use. After the catwalk show, the buyers came out into a lobby where there were large posters show each of the designs. The posters had an NFC tag in the bottom left corner and the tags were coded with an ID number for the designer and design.

Poster Boy

Once the posters were set up, then buyers with NFC phones that had had our software downloaded to them could touch the designs they were interested in and have a picture of the design and some other details automatically added to a "shopping list" on their handsets. This shopping list is later sent back to the designer.

NFC at Fashion Week

Designer Emilio de Morena said

"Traditionally we are very much in the dark with regards to what buyers think of the collection presented in London before we present the complete collection in Paris... For the first time we have a way of immediately capturing essential feedback, providing us with the time to understand what the buyers are thinking and make any changes straight away."

[From London Fashion Week gets smart - 08 Feb 2008 - Computing]

Once again, it was reminder that digital identity is about the identity of stuff as much as it as about the identity of people, a topic that I will be going into at tomorrow's Eurotag meeting in London where, I strongly suspect, some of the participants may be less well-dressed than they were for my last demonstration of NFC in action!

These opinions are my own (I think) and are presented solely in my capacity as an interested member of the general public [posted with ecto]


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