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Paris match

By Dave Birch posted Sep 8 2009 at 8:29 AM

[Dave Birch] We still have a couple of places left for the (free) CSFI Roundtable discussion on "Innovation and the Internal Market" at the OECD in Paris on Friday. See the research fellowship invitation for all of the details.

The reason for choosing this topic for the Paris discussion is that I want to explore the feelings of the industry on the impact of SEPA, PSD and so forth on the innovation process. Does the creation of an internal market spur innovation on, or do assumptions made in the regulatory process subsequently limit options? Come an join in the conversation: it's under Chatham House rules, so you can say what you think!

These opinions are my own (I think) and presented solely in my capacity as an interested member of the general public [posted with ecto]


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